The Cutest Blog on the Block

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy 6 Months, Emersyn!

How are we already celebrating 1/2 a year with our sweet girl? Time has FLOWN by extremely too fast. I am trying to hold on and capture every second and make the most out of every minute (even during screaming, crying fits!) but they are all going by faster than I can catch them.  It was only yesterday we found out we were going to have a little girl, it seems, and there is no way it has been six whole months since we welcomed her into the world.  I know, it's not slowing down anytime soon....
So, what all has our big girl been up to this month? Well, we had E's 6 month visit at the pediatrician, and she got all good remarks :) E is 19 lbs 15.6 ounces (97%) and 27 inches long (90%).  Little girl is definitely not lacking in the size category! She is developing perfectly as well.  She can sit up without assistance long enough to watch an entire Baby Einstein movie (which is her absolute FAVORITE!), she is scooting and rolling everywhere- still waiting for that first crawl, she has started mimicking sounds and so far has mastered rolling her lips making a spitting sound and smacking, she loves to eat and does it very well, she has started reaching for us when she wants out of a toy or to be picked up, she cries if you walk out of the room, she responds to her name, and just gets sweeter by the day! Emersyn has the sweetest personality, she loves to laugh and smile.  She has started giving "kisses" where she reaches for your face with her mouth wide open and lands a big wet one wherever her mouth hits :) Melts. My. Heart.  A big milestone we just reached this past week is Emersyn is now napping in her crib and sleeping some of the night in there as well! Yay, E! She is doing great, I am the one with the separation anxiety issues :(  
Sleeping in her own room in her crib is not something we have stressed over or pushed. We are definitely NOT "cry it out" parents and you could classify us as more of "attached" parents if you need to give us a label, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It has made life so much less stressful and relaxed, E is doing a great job sleeping on her own now and it was just something that came with age. 
I have learned so much in these past 6 months of being a mom.  One thing that really disappointing me is all of the "parties" of parenting.  Parenting is just another classification system to too many. And discussing your views on parenting can cause a commotion nothing less of a political debate.  Yes, this has caused way too much stress and unnecessary thoughts as a mom, too often I wonder if I am doing the best thing for my child because what I prefer is the least popular of parenting styles and too many ideas flood my mind from people who are not MY baby's mom. Just in case someone reading this is struggling with the same thing, this is my conclusion and it has freed me.  Every baby is different, and what works for one may be detrimental to another, as a mom I know my baby better than anyone else. Yes, most days if a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics observed us, they would probably gasp, and I don't care at all.  I am a complete hippie and germophobe when it comes to being a mom, and I am ok with it.  I do many things now I swore I never would, and I get over it and move on.  Being a mom is too much of a blessing to sit and fret over each and every decision, and I choose to turn my frets into thanksgiving to God for choosing me to be E's mom :)
I have learned so many positive things, too. I have learned and experienced true joy and unconditional love unlike I knew existed.  I have learned that a clean house is not as important as 15 extra minutes of play time in the floor making silly noises and faces to get a giggle.  I am so thankful that I am blessed enough to be a stay at home mom with Emersyn. I never doubted this was my ultimate goal, but I had no idea how amazing it could actually be.  Yes, I spent 5 years earning a degree just in case being a mom wasn't in the cards for me and I use that knowledge every time I introduce a new fruit or vegetable to E and we review the nutritional benefits :) I never imagined or planned my  life around being a mom so soon, but boy am I glad I am not the one in control! I could not imagine a plan any greater.
Emersyn, I LOVE being your mommy.  Here is to the next 6 months being even more enjoyable than the first 6. I wish time could pause or slow down just for a second, but I know there is no such thing, so we will have fun and absorb all the time together that we can.  I will cherish everyday with you, even the days when you won't nap and pitch fits, and be thankful for your cries.  I love you more than I ever thought was possible, and this love only increases daily.  I can't wait to see what all you do this next month, I am sure you will continue to amaze and surprise me. You are such a precious gift, and I hope you always know that your mommy loves you, No. Matter. What :) I love you, Emy-boo!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Today, as well as this entire week, has been such a blessing and a wonderful celebration of my first Mother's Day. Lance completely outdid himself and celebrated every day. He brought me gifts (new running shoes, chocolate, and an upgrade in our satellite channels so I could watch Fox and Friends in the morning :) ), he took off work a couple of days, helped me paint our living room, and a host of other sweet surprises to help me celebrate being a mom. Of course, I didn't need or expect any of this, it's just a testament to the wonderful husband he is :) just loving on sweet E and BoJackson was plenty enough for me. This Mother's Day was even more special because we had Emersyn's baby dedication at church. Sweet girl wore one of my Feltman Brothers bubbles from when i was her age :)  It was a wonderful day with my precious family, just loving on each other and thanking God for this beautiful blessing of family he has given us!
One year ago, Lance and I had just shared with the world that we were going to be parents. Lance took me out to lunch because I was craving meat and we dreamed about what we would be doing on this day one year later. Neither of us would have imagined what parenthood would truly bring us, or what an amazing blessing it would be. We had no idea how hard, yet how rewarding it would be, and we surely had no idea how much our capacity to love would increase. I have known my whole life I wanted to be a mom. Some people have desires and callings to be many things, mine has always been a mom, and thankfully my desires matched God's plan for my life and sent me Lance who had the same wishes for a family. When we found out we were going to be parents, I was terrified although it is all I ever wanted. The second I s aw Emersyn, I felt complete. My ability to love others multiplied the second I looked in her sweet eyes. I was able to love my parents more because I understood their love for me as parents, I loved Lance more for helping create this beautiful baby,and I even loved complete strangers. I developed a burning desire in my heart to love others more than ever before and to love children. The love I have for Emersyn is unexplainable. I understand now all of the times my parents said, "we are doing this because we love you". I understand why my dad always tried to force my mom to do something for herself, but she would always take it all and use it towards me and Luke. 
Being Emersyn's mom is the greatest title I could ever have and the proudest title, even on days I barely get a shower and smell like spit-up. I love my sweet girl more than I could have ever imagined loving anyone and I am so thankful she was given to Lance and I to raise. Emersyn Ruth,you are an amazing little girl and your mommy will love you forever and ever. You will always be my baby girl. Thank you, Emersyn, for making me a mommy :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy 5 Months, Emersyn (well, 5 1/2 :) ) !

Big girl is sitting up

Precious baby girl

Best friends

They fight over Bo's toys :)


Kissy lips :)

This is what my mornings look like :)

Sweet love fell asleep swinging

Mommy and Gran bought this outfit for her the day we found out we were having a baby girl :)
How is my sweet child making her way into her 6th month of life already?? Emersyn is such a big girl and Lance and I are so blessed to be her parents. E is learning and growing everyday. She LOVES her Baby Einstein movie, and has traded interest in her toys lately for BoJackson's toys! So, extremely gross! Bo and E both love playing together and think it is hilarious. E is quite the chatter box lately and loves to call Bo. I think they have their own way of communicating :) Emersyn is as close to being mobile as possible. She gets on her knees, puts her booty in the air and rocks back and forth. Just today, she has started pushing up on her arms while she's got her rear up, as soon as she figures out those two things go together, she is GONE! She even tried to pull up up on her toy box today- yes PULL UP! She is quite the advanced child :) I blame it on her large frame :) We are counting down the days until our next doctor visit. I am already dreading shots, but looking forward to seeing how big sweet E is! We started solid foods about a week before E's 5 month birthday and she LOVES it! So far, she has had sweet potatoes, avocado, spinach, carrots, peas, and her first fruit- bananas and apples :) Sweet girl loves to eat (is that a surprise?) We are still settling into things here in PA. We have met and developed a beautiful friendship with some great people- such an answered prayer! I have a running buddy, Lance has a basketball buddy, and E just adores their girls! E has made some friends at church, she likes the boys. We had a talk, no boyfriends until she is 30, but I am thankful she is getting interaction with other babies instead of just Bo :) Lance is working diligently at his research and I am teaching an RPM class and staying home with E and Bo :) In 2 weeks, our sweet girl will be halfway through her first year! I'm still trying to figure out where time has gone :) Being your mommy is such a blessing and I love you more each day, sweet E!