The Cutest Blog on the Block

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy 2 Months, Big Girl Emersyn

Look at that big, sweet, chubby angel. Little Emersyn is growing up extremely too fast! The little bit who couldn't keep weight on and had weekly weight checks is now tipping the scales at 12 lbs, 3 oz and is 23 inches long! Her check up was perfect and her doctor confirmed she is a bundle of beautiful perfection :) 
E has been up to a lot this past month. She started rolling from her belly to her back, smiling and communicating when you talk to her, and sleeping 6-8 hours at night pretty regularly. She LOVES to play with her toys and has many friends, her favorite is the blue octopus that hangs from her Baby Einstein activity mat. She has begun to reach for her toys and kick her chubby legs constantly. Actually, trying to capture her 2 month pictures was much more difficult from one month because she kept wanting to roll over and her legs were kicking the entire time! She is so much fun to play and communicate with.
I look at Emersyn everyday and try to explain to her how much I love her, but I know she won't truly understand until she is a mommy herself. I never knew I could love someone so much. All I have ever wanted to be was a mom and, Emersyn, I hope you know you have made that dream come true for your mommy and even better than I ever imagined :) I love you so much, sweet girl, and can't wait to see what another month holds!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Big Girl Rolls Over!

This came out of nowhere today. We put little Emersyn on her pallet to play, and look what she did :)

 Yes, people, at 7 weeks and 6 days old! This came after she slept a solid 8 hours last night! I can't handle baby is growing up way too fast!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

7 Weeks

E is changing by the minute and growing like a weed! Her 2 month appointment is coming up next week and I am very anxious to see how big our little stink-pot is! She has gained an extra chin and little leg rolls, even her ankles have a little roll on them :) It feels like she grows an inch and gains a pound every night. I think she has to be at least 23 inches long and that's 90% legs. She is wearing 3 month clothes and they are still too short in the legs! A future Lolo Jones possibly? :) She definitely doesn't have her mama's build!Look at that sweet little chunk :)

We are getting into a little more of a routine by the day. She was sleeping through the night with me, then I tried the crib and it was a disaster. So, you guessed it, she is back with mama and sleeps much better. We will try again a little later. We both sleep a lot better this way. When she was in her room, I stared at the video monitor every second- it was miserable. Yes, this is just another thing I swore I wouldn't do BEFORE she got here.... She also takes a morning nap around 9-10 am, depending on when she wakes up and around 2:30 in the afternoon. Sweet girl :)
Emersyn has gotten really good about sitting in her bouncy seat or swing during the day and being happy and content. She loves watching tv- we need to purchase educational dvds, right now E is a huge fan of What Not to Wear, The Doctors, and Rachael Ray :) She has great neck control and has starting trying to roll over from her back when I am changing her. She has the sweetest smile and has been flashing it a lot lately! Her sweet little personality is starting to shine. We already knew she was quite a drama queen, which she doesn't let us forget but she is also such a sweetheart :) 
I can't believe little girl is heading towards 2 months! I can't wait to see what I am writing about in a week.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goodbye, my baby Maximus

Today was one of the hardest days of my life. I had to make the decision to let my sweet Maximus be relieved of his pain and suffering and make his passage to doggy heaven. The blog about Max's story can be found here. Short story is he was diagnosed last May with a brain tumor. We didn't know how fast or slow the progression would be, how long the tumor had been present, or when Maxie would show symptoms. We knew what to look for, though, and that was paralysis in one side of his body that would interfere with eating and moving. Less than a month ago, we started noticing Max seemed slightly handicapped when he walked and he started having full body jerks. The past two weeks when we were in Corner, every day he got a little more off balance and needed softer foods to chew and swallow. We got him soft food and made special accommodations to keep him from jumping off furniture. Just in those short two weeks, he could no longer jump on the bed, eat hard food, or jump off the couch without stumbling. He, then, began falling off of furniture because he would get so off-balance. We brought him back to Dothan on Sunday night, and he dramatically declined by the minute. Sunday night, he ate a bowl of food. His balance was much worse and he was falling off of everything he got on. Monday morning he was very lethargic and starting yelping in pain whenever he was touched. He would not go outside nor eat or drink at all. Last night, we put him in the bed with us and he threw up and had spells of panting then spells of uncontrollable shaking all over his entire body. This morning he would not move, when he did finally come out of the bed he only wanted to lay on the memory foam bathmats. He was very disoriented and didn't know who we were or where he was. Then, he disappeared and I could not find him anywhere. He had gone into the guest bedroom and got under the bed and curled up in a ball- I suppose to pass on without hindering the rest of us. My heart was completely broken. We had already decided we would have to take Max to the vet tomorrow morning and  mom was coming to help me along with that journey. When she got down here today, Max was in such bad shape we couldn't make him wait through another night and we had to bite the bullet and let our sweet boy pass on. He was miserable and only suffering, I couldn't be selfish and keep him here just to have him. 
Goodness, I miss him like crazy and cant imagine this life without him. He took a giant piece of my heart to heaven with him. I sure hope that sweet boy is chasing all of heaven's squirrels and laying in sunshine all day long. I just wish he was still here with me, I keep thinking I'm going to walk in a room and he will be poking his head out from the bedsheets or wanting a belly rub. I don't know when it will sink in that it's not happening. I was able to hold his sweet face as he drifted off and mine was the last face he saw, that is how I wanted it. He was so peaceful and no longer in pain.
Now the rest of us are heart broken, and poor BoJackson is just lost without his big brother. He will be buried in the country in his bed and blanket and with his favorite snowman toy- he always loved the country and gets to be there forever now.
For now, goodbye my sweet angel. Thank you for showing me unconditional love, being my best friend and confidant, and teaching me how to be a selfless mom. You were such a blessing to my life and will always be my first baby :) I love you, sweet boy!

Happy 2012

Just a few days late, but that is what happens when a little princess dictates everyone's schedule. We rang in the new year asleep and enjoying it very much since that doesn't happen often :) I spent New Years Eve feeding and caring for little Emersyn and snuggling with puppies and wouldn't have it any other way. One year ago, I would have never imagined this would be my New Years, but it was beautiful. Our 2011 was full of surprises- new jobs, new homes, and a new baby. It was completely unpredictable and very stressful at times and many days I would not want to repeat, but then we had such sweet and special experiences as well. I hope 2012 is a little more calm than 2011 was and we can enjoy every second watching our little princess grow to be a big one year old. 
Birthdays will be a big milestone this year, E will be 1, I will be 25, and Lance will be 30 :) I love to think about what I may be writing in 1 year, 2012 please be nice to the Haney's!