The Cutest Blog on the Block

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

7 Weeks

E is changing by the minute and growing like a weed! Her 2 month appointment is coming up next week and I am very anxious to see how big our little stink-pot is! She has gained an extra chin and little leg rolls, even her ankles have a little roll on them :) It feels like she grows an inch and gains a pound every night. I think she has to be at least 23 inches long and that's 90% legs. She is wearing 3 month clothes and they are still too short in the legs! A future Lolo Jones possibly? :) She definitely doesn't have her mama's build!Look at that sweet little chunk :)

We are getting into a little more of a routine by the day. She was sleeping through the night with me, then I tried the crib and it was a disaster. So, you guessed it, she is back with mama and sleeps much better. We will try again a little later. We both sleep a lot better this way. When she was in her room, I stared at the video monitor every second- it was miserable. Yes, this is just another thing I swore I wouldn't do BEFORE she got here.... She also takes a morning nap around 9-10 am, depending on when she wakes up and around 2:30 in the afternoon. Sweet girl :)
Emersyn has gotten really good about sitting in her bouncy seat or swing during the day and being happy and content. She loves watching tv- we need to purchase educational dvds, right now E is a huge fan of What Not to Wear, The Doctors, and Rachael Ray :) She has great neck control and has starting trying to roll over from her back when I am changing her. She has the sweetest smile and has been flashing it a lot lately! Her sweet little personality is starting to shine. We already knew she was quite a drama queen, which she doesn't let us forget but she is also such a sweetheart :) 
I can't believe little girl is heading towards 2 months! I can't wait to see what I am writing about in a week.

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