I figured I should write our 15 week update before week 16 arrives! This week Baby H is about the size of a navel orange, weighing about 2.5 ounces and measuring a whopping 4.5 inches! Way to grow, Baby H! And you can certainly tell Baby H is growing by the roundness of his/her mommy's belly!
Not much has changed this week, I still eat a lot and have plenty of energy. I am as feisty as ever, and Lance still talks to Baby H everyday. Next Monday, June 6th, we have an ultrasound to find out what our sweet little stinker is! We can't wait. Gran and Peeps are coming to Auburn for the visit, and I can't tell you who is more excited- mom and dad or the grandparents! I just hope the ultrasound tech is ready for the explosion of emotions that may happen in that room :)
We get asked everyday "Well, what do you want the baby to be?" or "What do you think it is?" I'll answer these:
What do we want?- We do not care about the sex of the baby, we just want a healthy boy or girl with 10 fingers and toes and perfectly functioning organs! Lance and I want a big family, and our hearts are very open to adoption, so I know one day we will have one of each. Boys are precious and love their mommy, they make big messes and can always find a way to get in the dirt, dad is their superhero who always solves the world's problems and-in their eyes- is the best at everything he does, mom is always their #1 fan. Girls, well girls can be dressed up and look adorable, they have daddy wrapped around their little finger from the second he lays eyes on her for the first time and they want to grow up and be just like mom, then they hit pre-teen years and HATE their mommy, but come back around when they are....about 20 and become best friends with mom again :). Either way, we win. We are ready with names for a boy or a girl, so as soon as we know what Baby H is, we can start calling it by name!
What do we think Baby H is?- From day 1, I have thought girl. I don't know why, I have just had a feeling it's a girl. I haven't read up on any crazy old wives tales, this is just purely gut instinct. Lance keeps guessing boy, I think this is mainly because he doesn't know what to do with a baby girl around. He had all brothers growing up, and lots of them. Boy, is he in for a surprise if we have a little girl :) Mom and dad are guessing girl, but they both struck out with me and my brother, so we will see if they can clean that record with this baby :)
Boy? Girl? We will know in less than 6 days! YAY!!!!
Here's our 15 week picture, Baby H sure is growing!
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