The Cutest Blog on the Block

Monday, September 26, 2011

Emersyn and Nursery Update

I was in Dothan this weekend with Lance as he was getting ready to start work this week- my mission was Emersyn's nursery! Progress had to be made, and all of her prizes from 2 baby showers had to be delivered. I felt like quite the accomplished mama by this morning :) I had everything unpacked, all of her clothes washed and in drawers or in the closet, her bedding washed and on her bed, and everything in the general vicinity of where it needs to be :) Now, there is still a LOT to be done and a ton of organizing to do, but this weekend, I made a huge dent in it. The only part left to put in her nursery is her glider and ottoman which we ordered yesterday and should be in within the next week or two :) Here are some shots of her nursery in progress:
Baby girl's bedding- her daddy insisted Aubie stay on top of her bed :) Sweet dreams, Aubie!
Emersyn's quilt

Inside bedding

This bare spot is where the glider and ottoman will go, the lamp shade is the roses project :)

Precious hutch starting to fill up with goodies

This is a messy area, but I love the shadow box with my AND Emersyn's coming home outfit displayed :)

Changing table all ready for a little girl :) The lack of diaper and wipe organization hurts my eyes!

 The hardest part of this trip was #1 leaving our puppies in Auburn while we made the trip and #2 leaving Lance in Dothan for his new job while I came back to Auburn to work for 3 more weeks. I cried leaving Auburn and leaving Dothan, it was rough but it is very temporary. I can't wait for me, my belly, the puppies, and Lance to all be in Dothan in together and no one to have to leave! 
The best part of the trip was my doctor's appointment :) I saw one of the other doctors in the group (it's a small group of 3) and he was absolutely wonderful! He brought in the portable ultrasound machine so I could see sweet Emersyn again and she was even more perfect than before- sweet baby has the cutest, fattest little cheeks! Technology is amazing! We were able to see her heart beating and her practicing breathing. The doctor had absolutely nothing but perfect things to say about Emersyn- he said she looks perfect and like one of the healthiest babies he has ever seen! I was such a proud mama :) I was thrilled to know she is finally head down and in position to meet mommy and daddy! She has both hands up by her face which I feel her moving all throughout the day, one foot is below my sternum and the other is in my side. He zoomed in when she was feeling less modest and once again confirmed she is 100% girl! Even in black and white and looking slightly alien-ish, I think Emersyn is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen! Mommy can't wait to see that sweet face on this side of her belly, Emy! That made for a perfect day! We have another appointment in 2 weeks, then we move to weekly visits. Time is ticking, and we can't wait to meet our baby girl!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy EIGHT months :)

Emersyn has had a very exciting week with only more excitement to come in the next few days. This past weekend, we traveled back to my hometown for her first baby shower :) It was lovely. It was amazing to see how loved this little girl already is! We had a WONDERFUL time seeing so many people who are so dear to us and catching up with some best friends. Emersyn got very spoiled with tons of sweet little outfits, blankets, and goodies. I can't wait to get to our new home in Dothan this weekend and get everything in her sweet room!

The lovely decorations

This wasn't really a shower gift, but we had to display it :) This will be the first outfit Emersyn wears once she arrives!

I made the cupcakes :) We had chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, and red velvet

This is my favorite picture of the day :) Two of my sweet friends loving on little Emersyn!

My precious mom and sweet baby :) Isn't mom's jacket hot?!
More decor :)
31 week and 4 days :)

Emersyn has grown so much the past couple of weeks, I feel every single little move little big girl makes :) She likes to play all hours of the day, and she REALLY likes bodypump. I have no idea when sweet Emersyn sleeps unless she dances in her sleep :) She is obviously running out of room and trying to make more, and poor girl just doesn't have it!  Each week that passes is so exciting because we are getting so close to meeting our precious baby.  I can't believe it's almost that time :) Emersyn, I hope you know how much mommy and daddy love you and can't wait to meet you!
This next week will be a lot of excitement and adjusting for both Lance and I. He starts work in Dothan, and after my doctor's appointment on Monday, I will be heading back to Auburn to work for 3 more weeks before permanently moving and beginning my retirement as a working woman :) I am VERY excited for my new career as a stay at home mom/domestic engineer. I have been fine tuning my skills recently with a lot of baking and diy project ideas!   It will be very strange not coming home to Lance every evening, and I have slightly worried he may starve :) I'm sure it will only make us more thankful for what we have when we are together! 
I am very anxious for my doctor's appointment to see how Emy is growing, last time she was a couple weeks ahead of herself :)  After this appointment, we could start our weekly visits! WOW!  Just hearing her sweet heart beat makes everything in the world stop for a second and seem so perfect and wonderful, I look forward to those few seconds between each appointment!

Monday, September 12, 2011

30 Weeks and Our Big Move

We finally hit the 30s and what a week it has been!! Sweet Emersyn has been a very active little girl and growing like a weed!! We had her 30 week doctor appointment today, and in the past 2 weeks mommy has gained about half a pound while baby girl has done 4 weeks worth of growing! 2 weeks ago, Emy measured perfectly at 28 weeks, today (at 30 weeks), our little stinker measured 32! It's a good thing we have her bedroom furniture assembled and in place, mommy better get busy washing clothes and preparing the big brothers :) Our appointment went beautifully. By surprise, we got to see our sweet angel on the ultrasound machine and she was just a  moving around for us! My stats looked perfect and Emersyn's heart rate was in the 130s. Her little head is buried in my right hip, her hiney is behind my belly button and those long legs are all over the place.  My belly is very lop-sided from baby girl having her little body 90% placed on the right side of my belly! We absolutely LOVE our sweet doctor even more after today's visit. She is such an answered prayer! 
Our doctor's visit was just icing on the cake to a perfect week 30! Lance and I spent the week packing up everything in Auburn that could make the move to Dothan and just left behind necessities to survive a few days living on the plains. My precious parents had the majority of our things stored at their house and they spent every hour of the week packing up and getting ready to move Lance and I. I don't know what we would have done without them, they took care of all of the hard work, arranged for a U-Haul and movers, and stayed in Dothan to help us unload and settle in. They definitely earned their elderly care this weekend :) Mom, Dad- we love you so much and have no idea what we would do without you, THANK YOU! My mother's precious friend, Mrs.Cathy (without her we wouldn't have found the realtors and ended up with our sweet home) made the drive down to help mom continue to unpack and clean after Lance and I had to leave to come back to Auburn this afternoon. We are so blessed! 
The house is perfect! I got to re-open all of our wedding gifts and put them away, it felt like Christmas morning :) Our bedroom came together perfectly, Emersyn has a room full of beautiful furniture, the guest room (mom and dad's room) is in place, and our sweet puppies had the greatest time running all over their huge new backyard! Lance and I can't wait to get back there permanently and stay in our new house! 
My favorite part of the trip was finally having a room together for sweet Emerysn. We still have a lot to do, but the furniture is put together and in place and is absolutely beautiful. Lance and dad worked so hard on it and did a fantastic job. Her bedding is in the closet with hundreds of outfits and craft projects, we just have to get a mattress and some free time and everything will be together :) Here are some pictures from our week of excitement (and I failed to mention Emersyn did make Auburn game #2 :) Another game like that and we may have a baby! War Eagle!)

Emy girl's second Auburn game :) She LOVED it!

Emersyn's crib and changing table, compliments of daddy and Peeps :)

Yes, very crooked, but this is my favorite piece of baby girl's furniture- her hutch :) I can't wait to fill it with goodies!

This is the empty space for our glider and ottoman

Craft project :) All of these rose buds are going to cover the lamp shade they are in for Emersyn's room

Emersyn's rug Gran couldn't resist :)

Here is a new house picture, my favorite part :) 
Woah, Emy belly! This was on the way to teach Attack :)


Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Football Season, Baby Emersyn

This past weekend kicked off one of my favorite times of year (I think it is tied with Christmas holding the #1 spot!)- Auburn football :) This year was extra special- it is Emersyn's first football season! Of course, she will arrive towards the end of the season, but baby girl knows what is going on when she is inside Jordan-Hare stadium. She moved the entire time we were at the game this past Saturday, such a sweet little tiger :) We had a fantastic day with daddy, Gran, Peeps, and football! We are both very much looking forward to round two this coming weekend against Mississippi State, we have our blue ready!
Lance and I are convinced Emersyn will LOVE Aubie, I think we will be absolutely crushed if she is one of those children who cry around him. She has 2 Aubies that will always be around her, Aubie outfits, and we have Aubie books and blankets picked out for her before we leave Auburn. Aubie will just be part of life for her, we will make sure of it :) She can cry in Santa and Easter bunny pictures all she wants, but I think we will have a proud parent moment when she runs toward Aubie for the first time! 
War Eagle, baby Emersyn! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Twenty-NINE weeks!

One more week in the 20s, then it's on to much bigger things in the 30s :) Emersyn is growing like a weed, and loves practicing her runs in mommy's belly. Her favorite place to kick really hard is my right side, just below my ribs. Silly little girl :) 
Lance and I had a HUGE past weekend. I kept meaning to update the blog, but I have been so tired that my head has been hitting the pillow by 6:30 every night. We, along with my precious mother, took a trip to Dothan to try and tie up some loose ends before we make our final move. I had a doctor's appointment with a new OB, Lance had a ton of stuff to accomplish for work, and we really needed to find a place to live. Originally, mom and I were going to look at houses on Monday before my doctor's appointment and hopefully try to make a good decision. Lance and I knew we wanted to rent because we aren't sure how long we will be staying in Dothan, but we were terrified at some of the options we were looking at. One of my mom's best friends has family in the area who suggested a different realty company who mostly deals with rentals. We contacted them and they wanted to meet us Sunday night when we got in town and show us a house that was a good fit. We saw this house and it was alright, we didn't really care for the neighborhood, and the house was pretty tiny, but we could make it work. Then, the realtor told us he had one more house not too far away that they had not even listed yet, but he wanted to show us. AND IT WAS PERFECT! It was more than Lance and I could have ever expected- a gorgeous, brand new kitchen with plenty of storage AND a pantry, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms that were absolutely beautiful, a huge fenced-in backyard for our angel puppies, a covered patio, beautiful landscaping, a fireplace to hang stockings, a neighbor puppy who is obnoxious as our babies, a garage, it's one of the closest locations to Lance's work, about 1/4 mile from a brand new Publix, and an absolutely precious little neighborhood. It was completely a God thing, we later found out this house could have been back on the market months ago but the realtors held out-they weren't sure why at the time, but we are so thankful! The entire weekend, we were just blessed over and over and over. We had a house to live in before Monday morning even came :) There would have been no way mom and I would have been able to look on Monday and get anything accomplished- we drove around in circles most of the day :) But, we were able to put the utilities in our name, get the deposit, and grab lunch :) Lance finished at the plant early and was able to go to the doctor with us- another HUGE God thing. I hated hated hated hated my doctor here in Auburn, actually I hated the entire group, especially after all of the passing out and high bp episodes I had a couple of weeks ago. Dr.Phillips in Dothan was heaven-sent. She was perfect, I didn't leave with a bag full of formula samples, but with information on local pediatricians and breastfeeding information. We discussed what I was planning for delivery, and she was completely supportive of natural birth. I will get to hold Emersyn immediately after she is born, we won't have to wait for her weight, length, bath, and assessment- they can make sure she is up to par on mommy's chest :) My sweet new doctor spent a ton of time of talking to us and making sure we felt comfortable- I LOVED the entire experience. After months and months of so many tears, anxiety, prayers, and unfortunate doubts- Lance and I understand why we had to wait and persevere. It was well worth the wait.  We are so excited for our new little life with our sweet baby girl!
Now, I get to decorate a real house and my sweet angel's nursery :) I have a real kitchen to cook in, and our sweet babies can run and run and run without any fear they will get in the road :) Thank you, Lord, for your beautiful blessings and awesome promises! 
This weekend, Lance and I are enjoying time together before the madness of moving starts. We are taking Emersyn to her first Auburn game and loving on my sweet family. Monday is a holiday, so we are sleeping a lot :) Next weekend, after the Mississippi State game, we are starting our move to our new home (we will back in Auburn for a few weeks following that). We are watching Miss Emy (and mommy's belly) grow daily. We can't wait to meet our sweet girl!! 
We didn't snap a belly picture before I changed to lounge clothes and that looks rather rough. We will get one Saturday, there will be plenty of documenting for baby girl's first big game :)